

All Rooms

Both the Waiting Room and the Live Room have the following features:
  1. A video showing the current "Live Stream".
  2. You can see and hear all other presenters in the room.
  3. You can post chat messages to all other presenters in the room.
  4. You can see approved Q&A questions.
The operator can move you between rooms at any time. A 5-second countdown will be displayed when moving between rooms.

Waiting Room

The Waiting Room is where presenters hang out before going Live, think of it as a backstage space or green room. When in the Waiting Room you cannot be seen or heard by the audience. You cannot see or hear presenters in the Live Room unless they are live on screen.

Live Room

Think of the Live Room as the stage. Once you are in the Live Room you may be live to the audience at any time, so be ready! When transitioning to the Live Room the following will happen automatically:
  1. Your microphone will be unmuted
  2. The live stream will be muted

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