Access modes

Access modes

There are multiple access modes available to suit any event. The access more can be change on the event general settings tab.


The event is publicly accessible by anyone with the link. Attendees must enter the following fields to enter the event once it is 'Live':
  1. First name
  2. Last name  
  3. Email address


The event is protected by a password you set. Passwords are case SenSitivE. Attendees must enter the following fields to enter the event once it is 'Live':
  1. First name
  2. Last name  
  3. Email address
  4. Password

Automatic registration

This type is recommended for events requiring attendee data collection.

Attendees must register for the event by completing a registration form before they can get access. Once the registration form has been completed the attendee will immediately be marked as 'accepted' and a unique login link will be emailed to them. Attendees must use their unique link to enter the event once it is 'Live'.

Manual registration

This type is recommended for sensitive events where access must be tightly managed.

Attendees must register for the event by completing a registration form before they can get access. The attendee's registration is stored and a user of your account must manually 'accept' the registration. Once accepted the user is sent an email with unique login link. Attendees must use their unique link to enter the event once it is 'Live'.


This type is recommended when the attendee list is known in advance or when using third-party registration software.

Attendees are managed on a third party system and imported to Joinin. Once imported attendees can be managed and updated within Joinin. Attendees will not be able to register on your event portal. See Bulk attendee import for more information. 
When importing attendees can optionally be sent an email with their unique login link. Alternatively this can be manually shared with each attendee. Attendees must use their unique link to enter the event once it is 'Live'.

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