On demand

On demand

Allow the event recording to be viewed on-demand by your attendees after the live session has ended.

The event live sessions must be complete before the On demand settings are available.


Video-on-demand portals will remain active as long as you have an active paid Joinin subscription.



The event recording posted to your connected Video Hosting account will be automatically added to the on-demand portal. The portal will be opened as soon as the video is ready.

Coming soon


The event recording must be manually added via an embed URL, and the portal manually opened. 
Manual mode is useful when hosting with a video host not currently supported by Joinin Integrations, or when an edit is required on the event recording before posting.

Available for Business accounts.
Automatic mode requires your account to be connected to a Video Hosting integration.


Open the portal in on-demand mode. Attendees can access the portal and see the embed URL video content.

Embed URL

URL link of the content you want to show in the on-demand portal. e.g.: https://player.vimeo.com/video/576334329

On-demand close time

Set an optional on-demand portal close date and time. After this time the on-demand portal will not be accessible.


Allow new registrations
Allow attendees who missed the live session to register for this event during On Demand. Enabling this setting will override any configured registration cut off time. All attendees who registered prior to the live session will retain access.


Display chat content
Allow attendees view chat messages submitted and approved during the live session. Submission is disabled.

Display Q&A content
Allow attendees view questions submitted and approved during the live session. Submission is disabled.

Display Poll content
Allow attendees to view poll results submitted and approved during the live session. Submission is disabled.

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