Idle event closure

Idle event closure


Our systems detect and automatically close down idle events to prevent misuse and resource wastage. If your event is idle for an extended period of time it may be shut down automatically. 

Events being actively operated will never be automatically shut down.

What are idle events?

An idle event is one where:
  1. The Studio interface has not been used for an extended period of time. This means:
    1. No Sources have been added/removed
    2. The 'Next' display hasn't been altered recently
    3. The 'On Air' display hasn't been altered recently
    4. Sources haven't been modified recently (volume, latch, overlay)

A looping video or live External streams left running will not prevent automatic shutdown.


A warning dialogue will be displayed in the Studio 15 minutes prior to an automatic closure taking place. You can cancel the automatic shutdown from this warning dialogue to prevent shutdown. If the event remains idle after a warning is dismissed the automatic closure may be triggered again requiring further manual intervention.
A email warning is also set to the account email address prior to automatic shutdown.

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