Hub features

Hub features

Welcome to the Presenter Hub! Let’s run through everything you can see starting from the top right of the screen.

Firstly there is the room name, this will indicate whether you are in the Waiting Room, or the Live Room. 

Below that are the various engagement features such as Chat, Q&A & the Help tabs

Chat is your communication tool with the Studio Operator and other presenters, type in the “send message” field and click the submit button to send a message to the group. The Raise hand button is a quick way during the show to give a signal that you may have something to say, without the need for typing a message.

Q&A will show all moderated questions to be answered during the event, this may happen throughout the event or in a dedicated Q&A session.

The Help tab will link you to any guides like this to help you navigate the Joinin system and finally a Request help button which will notify the Operators to assist you.

Next to the engagement section is a dropdown to toggle through the different views.

The larger video is the Live Stream Output & all the other video windows are the additional presenters.

At the bottom of the screen you will see a live image of yourself along with audio meters signalling that your camera and microphone are working correctly, if you’d like to mute yourself, just click the microphone. From time to time your Control Operator ay override these settings and mute your microphone for you

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