Getting started as a ‘Presenter’

Getting started as a ‘Presenter’

The Joinin 'Presenter Hub' is where presenters connect to contribute to an event.

Unique link

When you’re invited to present at an event you will receive a unique link via email.
  1. Your link is unique to you and must not be shared with other presenters.
  2. Your link will remain the same for any rehearsals and the live event.


Before logging in we suggest completing the following checklist:
  1. Check your camera, lighting and audio is optimal. Tips for a 'Presenter'
  2. Ensure your device is on charge. You don't want to run out of battery mid event.
  3. Ensure your phone is set to silent
  4. Close any unused programs on your computer that will make noise or consume resources. Email programs, Outlook, Slack, Team, etc.

Logging in

You can only log into the event when it is in either rehearsal or live mode. Access outside of these times is not possible.

Open your unique link in a browser (Google Chrome is recommended) and you will be taken to the login screen. Joinin requires access to your camera and microphone in order to connect you with other presenters and an audience. The first time you visit Joinin you will see a pop up asking for permission to use your camera and microphone. You must click yes to allow. Depending on your privacy settings you may be asked multiple times.

Once permissions have been granted you can preview your camera and microphone, update your name and access advanced features.

Video & audio

Below your camera preview are two dropdown menus to change your camera and audio source. Select the sources you would like to use.

Headphones are HIGHLY recommended when using the Presenter Hub.

There are also advanced settings accessible from the cog icon. Our systems automatically select the best default but you can override if your needs are specific.

Check/update your name and click the Joinin button. You will be taken to the 'Waiting room'.


The Presenter Hub features two rooms, a 'Waiting' and a 'Live' room. The event controller is the only person who can promote you from the 'Waiting' room to the 'Live' room.

Waiting room

In the 'Waiting' room you will see the live stream being published to the audience and all other presenters who are in the 'Waiting' room. Whilst in the 'Waiting' room you cannot be displayed in the live stream.

Think of the 'Waiting' room as being backstage.

Live room

In the 'Live' room you will see the live stream being published to the audience and all other presenter who are in the 'Live' room. You video and audio could be taken 'On air' to the live stream at any time. 

Think of the 'Live' room as being on stage.


On the side panel you will see a number of feature tabs:
  1. Messages
  2. Presenters
  3. Chat (if enabled)
  4. Q&A (if enabled)
  5. Polling (if enabled)
  6. Quiz (if enabled)
  7. Help


Send private messages to the other presenters in your current room. Messages sent here are not seen by the audience.
When in the Live room you can also send and receive messages from the event controller.


View a list of all presenters in the event and which room they are currently in.


When enabled, chat is available for attendees which allows them to post comments and images throughout the event. You can view the approved chat messages on this tab but cannot reply.


When enabled, Q&A is available for attendees which allows them to post questions throughout the event. You can view the approved chat messages on this tab but cannot reply.


When enabled, polling allows attendees to vote in response to a question. You can view the currently active poll and live results on this tab. You cannot vote.


When enabled, quiz allows attendees to answer questions and earn points. You can view the currently active quiz question and live leaderboard results on this tab.


Access help documentation .


You can mute your audio at any time by clicking on the 'Mute' button under your video preview. The event controller can also mute and unmute you at any time.
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