Engagement features

Engagement features

Depending on the event you may have one or several Engagement features available to you as an attendee.


An open forum for attendees to communicate their messages of support for other attendees, speakers or members of the specific event community, generally this is un-moderated but some event organisers may choose to screen these messages for inappropriate content.


A key part of most live events is question time, here you can submit all your queries for a chance to have them answered directly on the live stream or moderators  have the ability to send you a direct answer for instant feedback. Depending on the event organisers setup, these questions may also be public to the other attendees and they will also have the ability to “up-vote” your questions or any other popular questions submitted by the audience.


Nothing gets a majority answer quicker than a poll and Joinin makes this super easy to setup and complete within the portal engagement section.

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